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We provide end-to-end technology solutions and services that always adhere to globally recognized standards and latest technology trends.
Talent is our main asset. We create personalized professional development environments that will help you generate a relevant personal and professional experience and trajectory.
We work with medium or large Companies, public institutions and non-profit Organizations to solve business challenges, improve business processes, raise efficiency or reduce costs  joining technology and expert knowledge.
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En Icalia Solutions trabajamos con medianas y grandes empresas, instituciones públicas y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro para resolver los retos empresariales, mejorar los procesos de negocio, aumentar la eficiencia o reducir los costes uniendo tecnología y conocimiento experto.
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We have renewed our EFR certification!

03 Sep 2024

We have renewed our Family Responsible Company (EFR) certification, reaffirming our commitment to well-being and work-life balance at Icalia. We continue to implement flexibility measures adapted to the needs of our team, because we know that a good balance is key to a happy and productive work environment.

Foto familia Renovación Certificación Empresa familiarmente responsable, con el logo.

