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We provide end-to-end technology solutions and services that always adhere to globally recognized standards and latest technology trends.
Talent is our main asset. We create personalized professional development environments that will help you generate a relevant personal and professional experience and trajectory.
We work with medium or large Companies, public institutions and non-profit Organizations to solve business challenges, improve business processes, raise efficiency or reduce costs  joining technology and expert knowledge.
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En Icalia Solutions trabajamos con medianas y grandes empresas, instituciones públicas y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro para resolver los retos empresariales, mejorar los procesos de negocio, aumentar la eficiencia o reducir los costes uniendo tecnología y conocimiento experto.
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Wine industry innovation with the exciting #BodegaDigitalF2 project!

05 Feb 2024

This second phase, supported by the "Innovative Business Clusters 2023" call of the State Research Agency and the European Union NextGenerationEU / PRTR, merges cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and RFID.

The goal is to elevate traceability in the supply chain, from packaging to the end consumer, certifying each step and addressing inventory and food safety challenges. This project marks a significant step towards the future of the wine industry and the adoption of Industry 4.0.

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